These women are taking a shot at disrupting enterprise technology

March 11, 2019


Founder, Director of Avaali Solutions Pvt Ltd, Ms. Srividya Kannan’s article published in techcircle

Srividya Kannan, Avaali Solutions

Srividya Kannan, founder and director of Avaali Solutions, is another techie who likes to challenge herself and believes that the best learnings come from the toughest experiences.

Kannan worked with IT giants such as Wipro and Oracle before launching Avaali, a consulting and technology services company specialising in information management. Avaali works with large enterprises across Asia, the Middle East and Africa to help them increase process agility and drive compliance with information management solutions.

Its recently launched Velocious platform brings together technologies like robotic process automation and artificial intelligence to speed up process transformation projects at large enterprises.

Kannan feels her corporate jobs wouldn’t have given her the kind of learning opportunities she has received as an entrepreneur.

“The highs of my journey are clearly in seeing enterprises realise significant cost reductions and process efficiencies with the technologies on which we enable them,” said Kannan.