Women in business: Learnings & advice

March 10, 2022


Founder, Director of Avaali Solutions Srividya Kannan speaks to the thetechpanda and shares some valuable learnings as a successful business woman.

“There is no substitute for hard work. Practice, discipline, and hard work are imperative to growth. Also, with these, we continue to get better and better every day. Also, that success is not about that 100th time we delivered a knock-out performance, but all the 99 times we tried and tried without giving up.

Success is not about that 100th time we delivered a knock-out performance, but all the 99 times we tried and tried without giving up.

“As they say, the stone cutter keeps hammering her rock a hundred times without even a crack showing on it, but on the 101st blow, it splits into two. It is not the last blow but all the 100 blows before.”

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