Digital asset management (DAM) refers to the rules and processes that an organization puts in place tomanage and distribute theirdigitalmedia properties. These properties may be in the form of photos, videos, PDFs, presentations and other documents.
“Digital asset management consists of management tasks and decisions surrounding the ingestion, annotation, cataloguing, storage, retrieval and distribution ofdigital assets.”
Every organized enterprise today has a wide range of digital media files. However, these files are useful assets only if they can be found and usefully applied and repurposed whenever required. While there are quite a few simple, web-based tools tools available today that allow people to create, collate, manage and distribute their digital media, it is in the interest of larger organizations to opt for high-end DAM solutions.
Key Benefits of Digital Asset Management
While there are many benefits of Digital Asset Management, some of the most widely acknowledged ones are:
- Ensures that your investments in digital media and brand assets and receive more returns.
- Fosters brand consistency across all customer touch points.
- It is up to you decide to regulate the usage of your digital property.
- Helps you to manage time and improve employee productivity.
- Empowers you to have greater brand control.
- Manages and helps distribute videos to make the most on the growing demand for online video with minimal investments.
- Allows sales channels to customize and localize sales and marketing materials to increase sales effectiveness.
- Accelerates production timelines for catalogs and multi-channel marketing campaigns to be first to market and reduce costs.
- Reduces costs of manual labor and consumables and improves efficiency by automating several tedious processes at once.
Digital Media Management
Digital media management solutions help you to efficiently and effectively manage and distribute digital media assets. Digital media management is a set of processes and tools that are helpful in managing those assets where the media is the product for the organization. This is not the same as digital asset management where the digital assets represent the product or service that the organization offers. In industries like media and publishing, the content they manage and publish is their core product. However, at a broader level, digital media management solutions are closely associated to digital asset management in the way that they still require the ability to perform critical functions to assist and mobilize the creation, management, distribution, publishing and storage of digital media.
The need for digital asset management software
In a completely connected world, consumers are increasingly becoming recipients of a wide range of content from enterprises. These may include brand launches, advertisements, marketing materials, promotions and various other forms of business communication. In order to increase the consumers’ attention span, enterprises are devising newer ways to enrich content and thus make it more attractive for the receiver.
It is well known that rich media creation is expensive and difficult to produce. It is therefore important that these assets are managed well, repurposed or re-used most effectively and disseminate across multiple distribution channels to a wide set of audiences.
Avaali is a Canto Certified Sales Partner (CSP) with Silver Status. Avaali offers advisory services, implementation and support services for the Canto Cumulus solution to enterprises. Our consultants come with deep understanding of global best practices in management of rich media assets. Our engagement typically starts with fully understanding the business drivers for such investment, to be able to then focus our implementation efforts to help customers derive early business value.
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