Leveraging Unstructured Content: Driving Business Innovation & Growth
Leveraging Unstructured Content: Driving Business Innovation & Growth The current paradigm of data structuring & content use has come into renewed focus with the advent of Big Data Analytics. And it is this paradigm that is accelerating innovation & growth in businesses across the globe. This is being driven by four key elements as underscored […]
Interview With – Mr. Karthi Baskar
INTERVIEW OF THE MONTH INTERVIEW WITH Mr. Karthi Baskar, Deputy Managing Director, KWE Logistics You have been the Deputy Managing Director of KWE in India with a very impressive track record of growth of 40% YOY for the past 9 years. What has been your mantra for success? We began our journey in India way […]
Gender Diversity
Despite all the progress that India is making in terms of its GDP, economic wellness etc., it is quite surprising that the participation of women in the workforce is actually shrinking.
Information Management as table stakes in Digital Transformation
Data is no longer only in structured form. Research shows that Unstructured data is growing at the rate of 62% per year.
February 2019 Edition
In Focus : Leveraging Unstructured Content: Driving Business Innovation & Growth