Digital transformation has almost become mainstream for businesses. As per recent research reports, close to seventy percent of businesses will have a dedicated digital transformation team. At the heart of digital is information is unstructured content. How enterprises ensure that they have visibility to unstructured content and how they manage its lifecycle through-out processes is critical to be able to execute and govern processes.
This edition focuses on the topic of Information Management and good practices adopted by enterprises as they build their digital transformation maturity. We’ve got an interesting video from the CIO of Minnesota Housing, Mr. Tony Peleska who speaks about a CIO Field Guide to Digital Transformation. This video has been compiled by AIIM, which is the oldest, probably the largest and the most respected communities of information management professionals.
This edition also features an interview with Mr. Nitin Parmar, Global CIO, Intas Pharmaceuticals. Nitin shares insights on how information management is being deployed in enterprises, and some of the innovations done that Intas has done for process agility.
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Have a lovely day!
Best regards,
Srividya Kannan