Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence & the Emergence of Connected Factories
Our lives are increasingly being connected not just in the virtual sense but also in the physical realm – powered by the internet and artificial intelligence. This has brought about the emergence of Augmented Reality that is manifesting before our very eyes, a world that is far more connected than what we ever envisaged.
Automation, simulation and integration are the new buzzwords in the corridors of technology with digitally automated tasks that had been earlier the sole domain of the human beings. This paradigm has now brought before us a reality wherein a remotely situated back-office engineer can employ IoT to support on-ground maintenance worker. This paradigm employs the power of robotics, telemetry, internet and artificial intelligence to make real-time decisions that will vastly alter our factories from what we presently know them to be!
The internet of things allows for secure integration and access of remotely located nodes/devices which are connected by a stream of smart sensors to predict failures & downtime. A fully automated command dashboard ensures neither the quality nor downtime are adversely impacted as the workflow follows a seamless pattern.
Watch How OpenText in collaboration with Avianet & Accenture is helping revamp factories into more connected work spaces powered by augmented reality and artificial intelligence.