Advantages of Digital Accounts Receivables Process
Advantages of Digital Accounts Receivables Process As consumer-facing technologies for billing and payments has gone through a revolutionary change over the past decade, a similar transformation is now brewing on the back-end processes as well. The transformation of the Accounts’ Receivables process is now the key to improved, more agile and certainly more profitable business […]
Economist Whitepaper
Economist Whitepaper Executive summary Automation was once a term associated exclusively with manufacturing. Today, after three decades of advances in digital technology, there are few fields of organisational activity left untouched by it. Businesses in every industry are using software to automate the processes that guide their daily operations as they seek the efficiencies that […]
Cash Is King
“When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar.”